About Sewing Meetings…

Sewing Meetings are held at the Stirling Adriatic Centre and include Show and Tell, tips and demos, blocks of the month, fun and lots of laughter. Bring along some hand sewing, knitting or other hand craft.

At the sewing day and night we usually have one of the quilt shops in attendance with fabrics, patterns and notions for sale. Check the Calendar for exact dates and for which shops will be at the meeting and then please give them your support. We appreciate the effort they make in bringing their shops to us.

We have an extensive library which is open at the sewing day and night. See library for more information.

Gwen Parry at her stall at a members’ bazaar

Gwen Parry at her stall at a members’ bazaar

Occasionally we also have a Members’ Bazaar where members bring along goods to sell with part of the proceeds going to charity.


At sewing meetings, the Community Quilts Convenor has a table set up with quilt packs that contain a quilt top, wadding, backing and binding, ready for members to take and make up into quilts that will then go to the organisations we support.  You’ll find more about this on the Community Quilts page.

What to expect at a meeting on your first visit to a Sewing Day and Night…

Hostesses at the Hostess Desk

On a Sewing Day and Night a Hostess Group greets everyone at the Hostess Desk. If the Hostesses don’t recognize straight away that you are a Visitor please just let them know you are new and they will ask you to sign the Visitor’s Book.

After you have signed the Visitor’s Book, look for the Hostess Table (known as the “Loose Threads”) just inside the main room. You can leave your belongings there while you investigate the rest of the room. A Hostess should be there to help you settle in. We understand that walking into a room full of unfamiliar faces can be daunting, but the following tips may make things easier.

If you are on your own, you can stay at the Loose Threads Table if you wish. However, feel free to wander and see what others are doing. Most of us are happy to explain what we are doing. Visit the Library and help yourself to a cup of tea or coffee. At tea breaks you wash your own cup, at lunchtimes the Hostess Group washes up to save congestion in the kitchen.

Come early if possible, before the crowd gets too large and intimidating.

Mention to the Hostess which suburb you’re from. The Hostess may then introduce you to people from “your neck of the woods”. We have small sewing groups which meet separately in various suburbs and you may find there’s a group near you that has room for a new member. (Alternatively, you may like to start your own group with other new members!)

Bring some hand sewing and some lunch. You may bring something for Show and Tell if you’d like to. Tea/coffee and a chance in the lucky door prize is provided as part of the $6 entry fee for members. A multi entry card is available at a special price. It is helpful if you bring your own cup.

Be prepared to stay for Show and Tell it’s the best part of the meeting.  There are often displays for you to look at as well.